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Facebook rolled out Songs on profile, Lip Sync on stories


Feels like MySpace and Friendster all over again? <3 Surely you’re up for adding the song of your life or maybe your present LSS?

Music on Facebook Stories

Music on Facebook Stories

Posted by Facebook on Monday, 22 October 2018

You can now add a song to Photos and Videos you share to Facebook, moreover it will be available in News Feed too! :)

Lip Sync Live and Adding Lyrics

Lip Sync Live were already rolled out to many countries around the world. Included also in this release is the ability to select the lyrics of the available songs and show it in your stories.

Facebook Lip Sync Live
Facebook Lip Sync Live and Adding Lyrics (image from facebook newsroom)


Songs on Profile

Flashback! To you who made a sophisticated profile with all the CSS and HTML designs that includes marquees and auto-play music in the background when visited at Friendster and also like in MySpace where you can add a song to your profile and a music player will be seen embedded. Now, You can do it on Facebook too!

Let us know if these updates are now available in your profile or pages. :)


RJ Ramirez
RJ Ramirez
Automation explorer, making daily lives easier one code at a time.

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